We have always been guided by a precise idea of our future: it should be sustainable and at the same time capable of satisfying market demands. Our goal has always been to achieve the best possible compromise between available resources and real needs. For this reason, as pioneers in the sector, in the Nineties we invested in renewable energy sources, in the search for opportunities and, year after year, in the best technical-engineering solutions for the installation of hydroelectric, wind and solar power plants.

We have always aimed at internationalizing and enhancing the power installed, and our goal is to continue to promote renewable energy, believing that it is important to guarantee energy supply, autonomy and productive competitiveness of different countries along with environmental protection.

Today our plants have 75 MW of power installed, produce 150 million kilowatt hours per year, guarantee consumption to 130,000 people and avoid the emission of 83 million kilograms of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

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